
Your Company Podcast – high-quality audio content for a strong brand

Podcast has long since been not only a craze but is now an integral part of brand communication in many companies. You can reach an almost unlimited target group with this popular audio format. We are the ideal partner for your professional podcast production in Augsburg.


Grafik von Buchstaben, die "On Air" ergeben, zwischen den Buchstaben sitzen 2 Personen, eine weitere steht hinter dem N

To your own Podcast with echion AG

From the first idea to the publication of your podcast, we are at your side with our expertise. We work with you to develop the content and set up a suitable concept. The all-round support from echion AG protects your own resources – for a unique podcast with little effort.

Grafik einer weiblichen Person an einem ovalen Tisch mit zwei Mikrofonen und Bildschirmen

In addition to preparing the content of your podcast, we take over:

  • the appointment coordination with interlocutors
  • the graphic design (cover, marketing material)
  • the podcast production in our in-house studio
  • publishing (technical support)

Klangmacher GmbH – partner of the echion Mediagroup – develops your individual, recognizable podcast sound design on request.

Matching Advertising Partners for your Podcast

We would be happy to support you in your search for an advertising partner. With an advertising placement in your podcast, you can refinance part of the production costs. You are guaranteed to find a suitable advertising partner for your podcast in our network – without losing the authenticity.

Grafik von zwei Personen, eine davon hält ein Laptop in der Hand

Highest Professionality for your Podcast

How well a podcast is received depends not only on the actual topic, but also on the voices of the speakers and the sound quality.

Decades of experience in the audio sector

Professionally trained speakers moderate your podcast

In-house studio with the latest technology

If you can't be there: Remote recording possible

Your Value communicated authentically

In podcasts, corporate values can be conveyed and new products and offers presented – more authentically than anywhere else. A voice always seems closer and more credible to the target group than a written text.

Even closer to the Target Group

With a podcast you strengthen your brand: whether you are imparting background knowledge, explaining perspectives or asking employees and partners about a topic – a podcast is suitable for all companies that have expertise and want to bring it closer to the target group.

Grafik von einer Frau, die am Boden sitzt mit Kopfhörern und Laptop, daneben ein Mann am Handy und mit Ohrstöpseln

The suitable Format for each Topic


A person, e.g. an expert, shares knowledge or information on a specialist topic.

Talk Podcast

Two or more people talk about a topic at eye level or discuss different points of view.


Guests are interviewed on topics in the classic way. The interview partners can be from your own company or invited from outside.

FAQ Podcast

The term “podcast” is composed of the English abbreviation “pod” (playable on demand) and “cast” (from “broadcast” – radio broadcast). A podcast is an audio series that is published at regular intervals and can be accessed and subscribed to via audio platforms and streaming providers (usually even free of charge).

We can hear from birth. Reading we must learn first. For this reason alone, it is easier for us to listen for a longer period of time than to read a text carefully.

This varies greatly depending on the topic. There are short knowledge podcasts with a length of 5 minutes. An extensive talk podcast can also last 90 minutes. We would be happy to talk to you about the optimal length for your podcast idea.

You have something to tell?
We would be happy to advise you on your own podcast!

Arrange an appointment now!