Instore Audio

Background music becomes foreground music

We make your brand audible

Instore radio is the perfect mix of marketing, information and entertainment and therefore not only the consistent development of classic instore radio but also the audible building block of your POS communication. The heart of a professional instore audio solution is your customized music format, tailored to your brand, target group, communication goals and store design. This way we ensure that the music selection is free from coincidence and always contributes to an outstanding shopping experience. Other program components, such as spots and editorial content, complement the music up to a full radio program. Your audio program is continuously developed by our team and actively controlled and monitored on a daily basis.

echion - full-service professional for brand-true instore audio

Our modules for your individual Audio solution


High recognition value, familiarity and topicality characterize our GEMA-liable programs. The portfolio extends far beyond chart-based formats to reflect your brand musically.

Royalty Free Music

Our Royalty Free Music formats offer you the opportunity to save costs and still reflect your brand. Whether pulsating beats for fitness studios, relaxed easy listening music for hotels or simply a varied playlist for a broad target group.


Our GEMA-free music formats offer you the opportunity to save costs and still reflect your brand. Whether pulsating beats for fitness studios, relaxed easy listening music for hotels or simply a varied playlist for a broad target group.


Together we develop your acoustic brand presence and corporate sound. We use this as the basis for in-store audio spots. This turns classic in-store radio into a real brand communication tool.


Infotainment content such as news, weather and daily updates make your program even more attractive for your customers and employees. You can rely on the years of experience of our editors.


Infotainment content such as news, weather and daily updates make your program even more attractive for your customers and employees. You can rely on the years of experience of our editors.
Kundenindividuelle Musikformate mit Instore Audio Modulen von echion

Setting the tone for a great auditory experience

Our customized music formats are developed, realized and managed for you by our echion music editorial team. Our music expertise ranges from pop, indie, rock, dance, urban and soul to lounge, jazz and classical. The constant maintenance of the pool of titles with new releases, seasonal adjustments and a regular exchange of titles guarantees you a program at the highest level.

Subject to GEMA

Royalty free music

We are happy to advise you

Our prices are set individually, depending on the area, number of stores and the concept. Contact us and let our experts advise you.

Contact us

Facts Instore Audio

of all customers consciously perceive background music at the POS during their visit
of customers say that instore audio enhances the atmosphere and shopping experience
of our customers evaluate the music selection of echion Instore Radio as "good" and "very good"
of employees think that the echion music selection fits well with their brand and target audience

FAQ Instore Audio

The program of a radio station is designed for a relatively short average listening time, appeals to a very broad target audience, and, in the worst case, your competitors ads are playing. Instore radio is tailored to your brand and target audience, while taking into account the needs of your employees, who listen to the program for up to eight hours every day.

Streaming requires a permanent internet connection. Our system is based on a PC-supported, decentralized supply of music to each individual store. All program components are stored as files in a database. The data line is used only briefly for updating when new content is transferred to the audio player.

The main component of your instore radio program is a music program tailored to your brand, its values and the target audience. Furthermore, you have the opportunity of actively communicating with your customers through image and action spots or professionalizing the program with editorial content such as weather, news and lifestyle-tips.

Do you have any further questions or can we assist you to implement a new project?

Please get in touch, we are looking forward to your inquiry.